Each D-series pump comes complete with a back to tank bypass valve and built-in strainer. 每个D系列的泵通过旁通阀和内置的过滤器完整地回到油箱中。
After all lines available to the pump have been thoroughly flushed, remove the temporary suction strainer after finding no debris on two successive examinations. 所有与泵相连的管线彻底冲洗后,连续两次检查没有发现垃圾碎块后,拆掉临时的吸入粗滤器。(请指正)
The analysis of feed-water pump strainer frequent blockage on No. 3 unit in Daba Power Plant 大坝发电厂~3机组给水泵滤网频繁堵塞原因分析